Image for post: Reducing Server Resource Usage

Reducing Server Resource Usage

What to do when you get a notification that you are approaching, or exceeding, your resource usage limits.

Image for post: Setting up Emails on your PC with Outlook

Setting up Emails on your PC with Outlook

Clear and easy to follow instructions on how to setup your emails on your PC with Outlook.

Image for post: Setting up Emails on your Android

Setting up Emails on your Android

Clear and easy to follow instructions on how to setup your emails on Android the device's standard mail program.

Image for post: Setting up Emails on your iPhone

Setting up Emails on your iPhone

Clear and easy to follow instructions on how to setup your emails iPhone using the device's standard mail program.

Image for post: How to Setup Your Emails on Multiple Devices

How to Setup Your Emails on Multiple Devices

Clear and easy to follow instructions on how to setup your emails on PC, Mac, Android and iPhone using outlook and the standard device's mail program.

Image for post: Email Etiquette Basics to Look More Professional

Email Etiquette Basics to Look More Professional

As a job seeker or employee, email is used as a professional means of communication, but email etiquette isn’t exactly taught in school. It’s important…

Image for post: Digital Goods and How to Make the Most of Them with Your Website!

Digital Goods and How to Make the Most of Them with Your Website!

Digital goods, also known as electronic goods, have hit the world by storm and that storm only looks to be increasing with time. Online is the new way so it’s not surprising that we now buy items that aren’t physical. So what are they and how can we make the most out of them?

Image for post: Website Advantages for Your Restaurant/Café

Website Advantages for Your Restaurant/Café

Do you own a restaurant or cafe and question how a website would benefit you? Restaurants and cafes aren’t online businesses; they’re based on location and predominantly word-of-mouth referrals, so I understand your hesitations. But every business benefits from a website and a restaurant or cafe with a website has bonus advantages to one that doesn’t.

Image for post: Email Blacklists - Are your emails getting bounced?

Email Blacklists - Are your emails getting bounced?

When you send an email to certain recipients (but not necessarily all), are they coming back as rejected? If so, one of the causes may be your IP address, a unique number sequence that identifies each computer attached to the Internet, is in one of the blacklist databases the recipient’s mail server checks.

Image for post: Guide to Email Accounts

Guide to Email Accounts

At home or the office - There are a few different email receiver programs you can have set up on your computer to receive emails. The most common one is MS Outlook, and Outlook Express, where you can customise it to receive any personal emails as well as business email accounts. Most new computers and MS office programs come with the software for free.

Image for post: Guide to Website Hosting

Guide to Website Hosting

Like with any product you buy, web hosting is no different. Choosing a good, reliable host with great features and support, is essential to your online business. Unfortunately, you can’t always tell a good thing just from the packaging. Choosing your web host is like choosing a business partner, the right relationship will grow your business, and the wrong one will crash it.

Image for post: Eight tips to drive traffic to your website

Eight tips to drive traffic to your website

Online marketing is much like offline marketing. Your campaigns need to be strategic to attract the right type of customer to your site.

While you need creative marketing to stand out from the crowd, the following are online marketing basics that need to be adhered to when creating your website: