Image for post: Do It Yourself Search Engine Optimisation

Do It Yourself Search Engine Optimisation

Having trouble getting your website ranking high up on the ladder? Here are a few simple steps that you yourself can do to help your websites SEO.

Image for post: Include your phone number in your webpage desciption

Include your phone number in your webpage desciption

Add your phone number to the description of your website page to increase your enquiries.

Image for post: Add a YouTube Video to your Web Pages

Add a YouTube Video to your Web Pages

Adding a YouTube video to your web page can be beneficial by saving you the cost of hosting that video and by drawing additional traffic to your website that self-hosted video could not do.

Image for post: Add a Facebook Like Button to your Web Pages

Add a Facebook Like Button to your Web Pages

The Like button lets a visitor to your site share your content with their friends on Facebook. When the visitor clicks the Like button on your site, a story appears in the visitor's friends' News Feed with a link back to your website.

Image for post: Ways to have a solid website promotion campaign

Ways to have a solid website promotion campaign

Using a website promotion campaign for your website or your business can mean the difference between a successful business and one that looks great but no one visits. When you use the Internet as your main business medium you have to be able to get people to go to your website in the first place. There is no point having a great website that doesn’t get any traffic to it.

Image for post: Social Network Websites

Social Network Websites

One of the biggest growth areas on the Internet are the Social Networks.

The top Social Network websites have between 60 and 110 million monthly users. New sign up's total over 250,000 per day. Up to 43 percent of Social Network website members have accounts with more than one site.