Image for post: How to find your Business PayPal Identity Token

How to find your Business PayPal Identity Token

The following steps outline how to generate the identity token required to link your business PayPal to your website.

Image for post: Email Etiquette Basics to Look More Professional

Email Etiquette Basics to Look More Professional

As a job seeker or employee, email is used as a professional means of communication, but email etiquette isn’t exactly taught in school. It’s important…

Image for post: Website Advantages for Your Law Firm

Website Advantages for Your Law Firm

Law firms predominantly rely on word-of-mouth referrals but does that bring in enough work alone? With the majority of people these days being internet savvy, the best way to ramp up business is with the best online marketing tool there is…a website! AND law firms with websites have distinct benefits in generating more business.

Image for post: Digital Goods and How to Make the Most of Them with Your Website!

Digital Goods and How to Make the Most of Them with Your Website!

Digital goods, also known as electronic goods, have hit the world by storm and that storm only looks to be increasing with time. Online is the new way so it’s not surprising that we now buy items that aren’t physical. So what are they and how can we make the most out of them?

Image for post: Website Advantages for Your Restaurant/Café

Website Advantages for Your Restaurant/Café

Do you own a restaurant or cafe and question how a website would benefit you? Restaurants and cafes aren’t online businesses; they’re based on location and predominantly word-of-mouth referrals, so I understand your hesitations. But every business benefits from a website and a restaurant or cafe with a website has bonus advantages to one that doesn’t.

Image for post: Why is it Important to Regularly Update Your Website?

Why is it Important to Regularly Update Your Website?

Have you spent a lot of time and effort creating a website and now you’re wondering why it’s important to spend more time and effort regularly updating it? Your website promotes you 24/7 in the online world. A website is like a living being, to keep it alive it needs regular updates to your content (words), design (look) and development (functionality).

Image for post: Tips for Web Content Layout

Tips for Web Content Layout

Web design is the presentation of a company's content and marketing message in the best and most appropriate format. So, it is critical to give adequate time to designing the content layout of the website.

Image for post: Four Must Have Elements of a Business Website

Four Must Have Elements of a Business Website

There are a few key elements that every business website should have. This ensures that user experience is pleasant while also creating a certain impact on their mind. Ideally you should include these elements into your business website at the very beginning. However, if your website is already up and some of these elements are missing, it is never too late.

Image for post: Harnessing the Power of Online Marketing

Harnessing the Power of Online Marketing

Online marketing has numerous branches, and is most effective when businesses utilize each of its distinctive spheres. Online marketing is the amalgamation of web design and development, copywriting, photography, search engine marketing, social media marketing and email marketing. Online marketing serves as an extremely efficient medium of low-cost advertising.

Image for post: Responsive Website Design

Responsive Website Design

Meet the next best thing to happen in website development, responsive web design. Say goodbye to paying for multiple templates to suit every different screen size and operating systems from smartphones to PC’s and say hello to just ONE adaptive design that works for all growing technology. Now why wouldn’t you want a website that works equally well across thousands of different screens?

Image for post: Why Every Business Needs a Mobile Website

Why Every Business Needs a Mobile Website

Today people are using more and more mobile devices to stay connected whilst on the move. Although tablets and net-books have also contributed to the portability of the net, nothing has made more of a contribution than that of the smart phone. The smart phone has literally revolutionised mobile internet access for billions of uses that access email, social networks and more importantly to find your products and services.

Image for post: Creating a form to email submissions

Creating a form to email submissions

Steps to create a form that when a visitor fills in and submits the results, the results are emailed to one or more recipients.

Image for post: How to build a Website that brings you business

How to build a Website that brings you business

Does your website attract new business for you? If you are like most businesses, you are probably missing the opportunities that a market focussed website would bring.

In this article there you'll find 4 keys that are essential for an effective website.

Image for post: Creating an effective landing page

Creating an effective landing page

The goal of a landing page is to convert potential patrons into customers quickly. Your landing page is simply a summary of all the pages associated with the product or service that you're offering. The page should be clear and concise, but also highly informative in nature.

Image for post: Eight tips to drive traffic to your website

Eight tips to drive traffic to your website

Online marketing is much like offline marketing. Your campaigns need to be strategic to attract the right type of customer to your site.

While you need creative marketing to stand out from the crowd, the following are online marketing basics that need to be adhered to when creating your website: