Image for post: Reducing Server Resource Usage

Reducing Server Resource Usage

What to do when you get a notification that you are approaching, or exceeding, your resource usage limits.

Image for post: Reducing Image Size for your Website with Squoosh

Reducing Image Size for your Website with Squoosh

A short tutorial on how to use the Squoosh web application to reduce image file sizes, improving your website's speed and efficiency.

Image for post: How to find your Business PayPal Identity Token

How to find your Business PayPal Identity Token

The following steps outline how to generate the identity token required to link your business PayPal to your website.

Image for post: Email Etiquette Basics to Look More Professional

Email Etiquette Basics to Look More Professional

As a job seeker or employee, email is used as a professional means of communication, but email etiquette isn’t exactly taught in school. It’s important…

Image for post: An Awesome Start-Up Business!

An Awesome Start-Up Business!

Drop shipping is a low cost, hassle free, great start up business, especially for first timers wanting to jump into the big business world! With minimal start-up costs, time and energy literally anyone can do it. No skills are required. So what is this awesome idea and how do you do it?

Image for post: Website Advantages for Your Law Firm

Website Advantages for Your Law Firm

Law firms predominantly rely on word-of-mouth referrals but does that bring in enough work alone? With the majority of people these days being internet savvy, the best way to ramp up business is with the best online marketing tool there is…a website! AND law firms with websites have distinct benefits in generating more business.

Image for post: Generating More Business with Widgets

Generating More Business with Widgets

Some people don’t realise that they interact with widgets every day. One of the most common places widgets appear is right on our smart phones and they are incredibly useful. So if they’re useful on a phone, could they be useful on a website for business?

Image for post: Digital Goods and How to Make the Most of Them with Your Website!

Digital Goods and How to Make the Most of Them with Your Website!

Digital goods, also known as electronic goods, have hit the world by storm and that storm only looks to be increasing with time. Online is the new way so it’s not surprising that we now buy items that aren’t physical. So what are they and how can we make the most out of them?

Image for post: Building Trust and Credibility with Testimonials

Building Trust and Credibility with Testimonials

Why do you choose to buy products or services from certain businesses? It’s because you’ve built trust with them from different sources. We don’t just randomly pick a business by “Eenie Meenie Miney Mo” (OK maybe sometimes), but majority of the time we build a relationship with them through the information we receive from friends, family, social media, ads, or their website. Testimonials and other people’s experiences are the main force behind us trusting a business.

Image for post: Website Advantages for Your Restaurant/Café

Website Advantages for Your Restaurant/Café

Do you own a restaurant or cafe and question how a website would benefit you? Restaurants and cafes aren’t online businesses; they’re based on location and predominantly word-of-mouth referrals, so I understand your hesitations. But every business benefits from a website and a restaurant or cafe with a website has bonus advantages to one that doesn’t.

Image for post: Why is it Important to Regularly Update Your Website?

Why is it Important to Regularly Update Your Website?

Have you spent a lot of time and effort creating a website and now you’re wondering why it’s important to spend more time and effort regularly updating it? Your website promotes you 24/7 in the online world. A website is like a living being, to keep it alive it needs regular updates to your content (words), design (look) and development (functionality).

Image for post: How to Find Relevant Popular Topics for Your Blog

How to Find Relevant Popular Topics for Your Blog

Have you recently started a blog and are struggling to think of topics for it? Have you had a blog for a while that was going well but now you’re stuck with writer’s block or run out of inspiration? I know how you feel; the same thing has happened to me. Which is why I have done the research and written a simple and easy guide on where you can find great topics for your blog.

Image for post: Tips for Web Content Layout

Tips for Web Content Layout

Web design is the presentation of a company's content and marketing message in the best and most appropriate format. So, it is critical to give adequate time to designing the content layout of the website.

Image for post: Four Must Have Elements of a Business Website

Four Must Have Elements of a Business Website

There are a few key elements that every business website should have. This ensures that user experience is pleasant while also creating a certain impact on their mind. Ideally you should include these elements into your business website at the very beginning. However, if your website is already up and some of these elements are missing, it is never too late.

Image for post: Why a Responsive Website is a Must

Why a Responsive Website is a Must

Over the past couple of years, the use of desktop PCs and even laptops has dropped drastically. More and more people now use tablets and smartphones. According to MagnaGlobal’s report “Unlocking the Power of Mobile”, 76 percent of Australians access the Internet on mobile devices – smartphones and tablets. In the same report, 57 percent of respondents stated that they expect websites to be tailor-made for mobile devices.

Image for post: Mobile Website or Native App?

Mobile Website or Native App?

If you plan on having a mobile presence for your business, you should first consider whether you want to create a mobile application for users to download (native app) or a mobile website. Mobile websites and native apps can be very similar and the difference between the capabilities are narrowing rapidly. But which one should you choose?

Image for post: Responsive vs. Scalable Email Design

Responsive vs. Scalable Email Design

Email design can be very different from normal web design. Since every email client (i.e Outlook, Gmail, Apple Mail) you would come across is extremely different and do not have the same HTML standards as each other, unlike web browsers, it can be quite complex to design an email template to suit all clients across the board.

Image for post: Who’s Viewing my Website on a Mobile Phone?

Who’s Viewing my Website on a Mobile Phone?

If you’re finding it hard to decide on where to go next with your website, for example, making it mobile friendly, the obvious option is to do a little research.

Image for post: Responsive Website Design

Responsive Website Design

Meet the next best thing to happen in website development, responsive web design. Say goodbye to paying for multiple templates to suit every different screen size and operating systems from smartphones to PC’s and say hello to just ONE adaptive design that works for all growing technology. Now why wouldn’t you want a website that works equally well across thousands of different screens?

Image for post: Why Every Business Needs a Mobile Website

Why Every Business Needs a Mobile Website

Today people are using more and more mobile devices to stay connected whilst on the move. Although tablets and net-books have also contributed to the portability of the net, nothing has made more of a contribution than that of the smart phone. The smart phone has literally revolutionised mobile internet access for billions of uses that access email, social networks and more importantly to find your products and services.

Image for post: Creating a form to email submissions

Creating a form to email submissions

Steps to create a form that when a visitor fills in and submits the results, the results are emailed to one or more recipients.

Image for post: Add a YouTube Video to your Web Pages

Add a YouTube Video to your Web Pages

Adding a YouTube video to your web page can be beneficial by saving you the cost of hosting that video and by drawing additional traffic to your website that self-hosted video could not do.

Image for post: Add a Facebook Like Button to your Web Pages

Add a Facebook Like Button to your Web Pages

The Like button lets a visitor to your site share your content with their friends on Facebook. When the visitor clicks the Like button on your site, a story appears in the visitor's friends' News Feed with a link back to your website.

Image for post: New to Blue Rock II - January 2011

New to Blue Rock II - January 2011

We have worked extremely hard on Blue Rock II's Content Management System over the past months to make the generated content extremely friendly to the search engines.

By taking advantage of these new features, the blogging system mentioned in the last blog post along with the Site Map Generator and Search Engine Submission mention below, it should improve your website's search engine ranking, which basically means you will be found easier.

Image for post: New to Blue Rock II - November 2010

New to Blue Rock II - November 2010

It is a hugely improved platform that is more search engine friendly, allows posting articles to a blog, and has automatic updates which always keeps you up to date with the latest software.

Image for post: How to build a Website that brings you business

How to build a Website that brings you business

Does your website attract new business for you? If you are like most businesses, you are probably missing the opportunities that a market focussed website would bring.

In this article there you'll find 4 keys that are essential for an effective website.

Image for post: Eight reasons to build a website for your small business

Eight reasons to build a website for your small business

Creating a small business is the most valuable thing that you can do for your company. It can save you thousands of dollars, and could possibly make you millions of dollars of extra sales.

Image for post: Creating an effective landing page

Creating an effective landing page

The goal of a landing page is to convert potential patrons into customers quickly. Your landing page is simply a summary of all the pages associated with the product or service that you're offering. The page should be clear and concise, but also highly informative in nature.

Image for post: Online Website Maintenance

Online Website Maintenance

Website maintenance means revising, editing and changing certain existing web pages to keep your website up-to-date. The additions of new pages also come within the purview of web maintenance. Website visitors, customers often need a response to their questions, comments or suggestions. It can be about your product, service or technical issues. All these customer care services and data management is also part of website maintenance.

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Website Design and Website Development Company

An engaging Website design and website development company is the one which is practically involved in every aspect of web. Whether it is web designing, or developing the backend applications of website such as payment gateway system or adding a shopping cart tool to the website, all are just individual entities of web development and web designing.