Image for post: Email Etiquette Basics to Look More Professional

Email Etiquette Basics to Look More Professional

As a job seeker or employee, email is used as a professional means of communication, but email etiquette isn’t exactly taught in school. It’s important…

Image for post: Website Advantages for Your Law Firm

Website Advantages for Your Law Firm

Law firms predominantly rely on word-of-mouth referrals but does that bring in enough work alone? With the majority of people these days being internet savvy, the best way to ramp up business is with the best online marketing tool there is…a website! AND law firms with websites have distinct benefits in generating more business.

Image for post: Why a Responsive Website is a Must

Why a Responsive Website is a Must

Over the past couple of years, the use of desktop PCs and even laptops has dropped drastically. More and more people now use tablets and smartphones. According to MagnaGlobal’s report “Unlocking the Power of Mobile”, 76 percent of Australians access the Internet on mobile devices – smartphones and tablets. In the same report, 57 percent of respondents stated that they expect websites to be tailor-made for mobile devices.