Image for post: Email Etiquette Basics to Look More Professional

Email Etiquette Basics to Look More Professional

As a job seeker or employee, email is used as a professional means of communication, but email etiquette isn’t exactly taught in school. It’s important…

Image for post: Website Advantages for Your Law Firm

Website Advantages for Your Law Firm

Law firms predominantly rely on word-of-mouth referrals but does that bring in enough work alone? With the majority of people these days being internet savvy, the best way to ramp up business is with the best online marketing tool there is…a website! AND law firms with websites have distinct benefits in generating more business.

Image for post: Generating More Business with Widgets

Generating More Business with Widgets

Some people don’t realise that they interact with widgets every day. One of the most common places widgets appear is right on our smart phones and they are incredibly useful. So if they’re useful on a phone, could they be useful on a website for business?

Image for post: Building Trust and Credibility with Testimonials

Building Trust and Credibility with Testimonials

Why do you choose to buy products or services from certain businesses? It’s because you’ve built trust with them from different sources. We don’t just randomly pick a business by “Eenie Meenie Miney Mo” (OK maybe sometimes), but majority of the time we build a relationship with them through the information we receive from friends, family, social media, ads, or their website. Testimonials and other people’s experiences are the main force behind us trusting a business.

Image for post: Do It Yourself Search Engine Optimisation

Do It Yourself Search Engine Optimisation

Having trouble getting your website ranking high up on the ladder? Here are a few simple steps that you yourself can do to help your websites SEO.

Image for post: Add a YouTube Video to your Web Pages

Add a YouTube Video to your Web Pages

Adding a YouTube video to your web page can be beneficial by saving you the cost of hosting that video and by drawing additional traffic to your website that self-hosted video could not do.

Image for post: Add a Facebook Like Button to your Web Pages

Add a Facebook Like Button to your Web Pages

The Like button lets a visitor to your site share your content with their friends on Facebook. When the visitor clicks the Like button on your site, a story appears in the visitor's friends' News Feed with a link back to your website.

Image for post: Guide to Website Content

Guide to Website Content

Website content is all the written text you see on each page of a website. This information serves two main purposes.

The first is to educate the user about the website they are viewing, as well as to inform then of the products and services available to them.

The second purpose is to provide text and paragraphs with substantial keywords that relate to your business product or services so that search engine crawlers can look for the user keywords when crawling your website.

Image for post: Getting listed in Google, Yahoo and Live(MSN)

Getting listed in Google, Yahoo and Live(MSN)

Getting listed in Google and the other popular search engines is one of the most effective ways of directing free, targeted traffic to your web site.

In this article you'll discover what the search engines look for when determining your page rank so you can optimize your pages for best results.

Image for post: Eight tips to drive traffic to your website

Eight tips to drive traffic to your website

Online marketing is much like offline marketing. Your campaigns need to be strategic to attract the right type of customer to your site.

While you need creative marketing to stand out from the crowd, the following are online marketing basics that need to be adhered to when creating your website: