Image for post: New to Blue Rock II - January 2011

New to Blue Rock II - January 2011

We have worked extremely hard on Blue Rock II's Content Management System over the past months to make the generated content extremely friendly to the search engines.

By taking advantage of these new features, the blogging system mentioned in the last blog post along with the Site Map Generator and Search Engine Submission mention below, it should improve your website's search engine ranking, which basically means you will be found easier.

Image for post: New to Blue Rock II - November 2010

New to Blue Rock II - November 2010

It is a hugely improved platform that is more search engine friendly, allows posting articles to a blog, and has automatic updates which always keeps you up to date with the latest software.

Image for post: Guide to Domain Registration

Guide to Domain Registration

Choosing a good domain name is essential to any online business, but it is not as easy as it seems. There are many schools of thought as to what is the best method to name your domain, and one of the more popular ideas is Branding. This is where the domain name you give to your business (which may not or may not reflect the products you sell), develops a reputation overtime to which people come to know your business by.

Image for post: How to build a Website that brings you business

How to build a Website that brings you business

Does your website attract new business for you? If you are like most businesses, you are probably missing the opportunities that a market focussed website would bring.

In this article there you'll find 4 keys that are essential for an effective website.